email [email protected] for standby list


CalJAS favorite Kate Reid will be returning to SoCal for a short visit in November and will make a highly anticipated appearance for the California Jazz Arts Society at their House Concert Series on November 9.  Kate, a CalJAS Member, has been a longtime supporter, performer, and student instructor for the organization.  This will be Kate’s fifth House Concert appearance.  Other CalJAS sponsored events that Kate has participated in include appearances at the Boatman/Summers series, Jazz at the Pasadena Jazz Institute, Jazz at The World Famous Hollywood Magic Castle, The Muckenthaler Jazz Festival, The Steamers CalJAS All Stars series, Jazz at the Ambassador, Galli’s Piano and Jazz Club, and the Hip Kitty Jazz Club. Kate left California in the fall of 2012 to accept the position of Associate Professor and Program Director, Jazz Vocal Performance AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI.. CalJAS is proud to welcome her back!  


Contact [email protected] for reservations

Welcome to the new CalJAS Website

Hello CalJAS and Members and guests!!!  

As President of the California Jazz Arts Society, I am very excited to introduce you to our new CalJAS website, which will allow us to offer much more than just our traditional weekly news page. To begin, you will mostly see information that you are already familiar with, but, hopefully, in a much more enjoyable presentation. Soon, however, you will notice many more offerings including upgraded event information, links to our CalJAS Artists, photos, videos, and music. The new CalJAS Store will offer CalJAS merchandise, CalJAS sponsored CD’s for sale, instructional books,  classic pre-owned jazz albums for collectors, and even the sale or rental of affordable music instruments or equipment.  Through the CalJAS Store, visitors and members may also easily join our organization or make additional donations through Paypal, or credit card.  As a “sometimes”writer, I look forward to presenting our growing family of performers and supporters in much more depth and detail through written interviews and booklets. And lastly, but perhaps most importantly, we can better encourage, assist, and support the idea of CalJAS and the presentation of intimate concerts, to artists and enthusiasts across California!

But, be patient with us.  Getting a new website off the ground takes time.  We have been working diligently to get our site up and running even before many of these ideas have been initiated. For the next few months I will continue sending occasional emails announcing new additions to the site.  But please visit often and see for yourselves!

We owe a big THANK YOU to CalJAS Member, and good friend, Roger Krechmery for all his hard work and effort to build this site for us.   The day after I announced that we were looking for someone to help us put together our own site, Roger contacted me and volunteered his services. I immediately jumped on his offer, and he  has worked tirelessly over the last couple of months  constructing not only what serves our present needs, but also what  we envision for the future. I am deeply grateful.

Lastly, none of this would be possible without the continued support of our members. Thanks to all of you who have been there for us during the last ten years.  WE APPRECIATE YOU !!!

Musically yours,

Dale Boatman, President; California Jazz Arts Society